Saturday, October 10, 2009

The internet is making an honest man out of me

It's been a long while since I had last "blogged" about anything. I thought it was past due and that I should start up again. I mean, it's my affordable therapy at the moment. One of the other reasons I considered doing this again was accountability. I know, it's kind of a what the hell are you talking about, but it's true. I stand by the title of this entry. The internet is making an honest man of me and it's kind of funny.

See, with my participation on several different social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter and the like, I have found that I can't really lie. Well, it's not so much that I can't commit the actual act of lying, it's more of the fact that if I lie, I am more easily caught. With just about all of my different friends and family "following" me in one way or another, I find that I can't simply say, "sorry, can't make it out; I'm not feeling too well" if I ended up going out with other friends and then tweeting and/or updating my Facebook status about said adventures. This has, in turn, caused me to become a more open on honest person.

Now, I know that some out there are just saying, "well, just don't post so much about what's going on then." Yeah, about that, I find that a difficult task simply because there are times, especially ones when something really awesome happens, where I am compelled to post such things. Leading me back to the problem.

Honesty is an easier route to take anyway. Do you have any idea how difficult is to maintain some lies? I'm mean seriously, you have to keep track of what you told to which person about what day and such and it just gets out of hand very quickly. The truth is so much easier. Why? Well, because you experienced it. It's not some made of fantasy that has to constantly be renewed within you brain, or be lost for all time. You don't have to think of what stupid little detail you decided to add to the story because as you were telling the lie, you got caught up in it yourself. It's so difficult ... it's not worth it.

Yeah, we do occasionally lie to save face or protect other's feelings. But, sometimes, it would still be better just to be honest. No one wants to be told that the outfit they have on makes them look hideous, but really, if it makes you look bad, do you really want to be wearing that? Hell, even then, there are somethings that I wear despite if it looks bad. I've wandered off; my point of being honest still stands. I think I've rambled on long enough... especially for my first new post in a long time.

So yeah, gotta save somethings for later on. Let's see where this takes me.

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